Our process - How we work

Discover Our Seamless Approach to Web Development and Collaboration.

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation phase, we engage with the client to grasp their project requirements, objectives, and target audience. We personally handle this stage, ensuring clear communication and understanding of the project's scope.

Included in this phase

  • Client meetings
  • Requirement gathering
  • Goal identification
  • Timeline discussion
  • Scope definition
  • High-level technology discussion
  • Client expectation alignment
  • Contract negotiation
  • Proposal submission

Project Planning

In this phase, we lay the groundwork for the project, defining tasks, milestones, and timelines. We thoroughly analyze the project's requirements and select the most suitable technology stack to meet these needs effectively. Additionally, we outline any potential challenges or risks and devise strategies to mitigate them proactively.

Included in this phase

  • Detailed project plan creation
  • Technology stack selection
  • Resource allocation
  • Timeline establishment
  • Risk assessment
  • Budgeting
  • Contract finalization

Design Phase

In this phase, we dive into creating a design that looks great and is easy to use, fitting perfectly with what the client wants and what their audience will love. We handle all the design work, using wireframes and mockups to sketch out how everything will look and work. Our aim is to make sure the end result feels just right and speaks to the client's style and goals.

Included in this phase

  • Visual design creation
  • Wireframing
  • Mockup development
  • Design iteration based on feedback


During the development phase, we get down to building the website or application based on the plans we've made. We turn the designs and features we agreed on into real, working parts of the project. We keep testing everything as we go to make sure it's all working like it should.

Included in this phase

  • Front-end development
  • back-end development
  • database integration
  • third-party API integration
  • continuous testing

Client Review and Feedback

We present the initial version of the website or application to the client for review and feedback. We take charge of communicating directly with the client, ensuring that their input is heard. We carefully incorporate their suggestions and ideas, working together to refine and improve the project until it meets their expectations. Our goal is to keep the client involved every step of the way, ensuring that the final product reflects their vision and goals.

Included in this phase

  • Client presentation
  • feedback gathering
  • iteration based on feedback


In this phase, we prepare the project for deployment to the production environment. We take care of configuring hosting settings and deploying the code to the server, making sure everything is set up correctly for the transition from development to live. Our aim is to ensure a seamless and smooth deployment process, minimizing any potential disruptions or issues.

Included in this phase

  • Production environment setup
  • hosting configuration
  • code deployment
  • final testing

Training and Handover

We provide training to the client on how to use and manage the website or application. We deliver any documentation, source code, or assets related to the project, ensuring that the client has everything they need to maintain and update their new platform.

Included in this phase

  • Client training
  • documentation handover
  • source code handover
  • support options discussion

Post-launch Support

After the project is live, we monitor it for any issues or performance concerns. We promptly address any bugs or technical issues that arise, ensuring the long-term success of the project. Our commitment extends beyond the initial launch, as we strive to maintain the functionality and performance of the platform to meet the client's ongoing needs.

Included in this phase

  • Monitoring
  • bug fixing
  • performance optimization
  • ongoing support

Let’s start your next project together!